Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Color or Shape?

At first, it seemed so easy. Beautiful jewel tones.....

But then again, the shapes are intriguing, too:

Why choose? Save both!

Friday, January 1, 2010

2010 Fortune Telling Toy

Wondering what 2010 will bring? (For me, it's graduation from law school, swearing in as a NH Attorney, my wedding, and my 30-year high school reunion...and that's only in the first half of the year!)

Click on the image below to get your own copy!

Photo Album Backgrounds

I'm getting married in a few months and am working on ideas for one of those albums you can make yourself on Web sites such as Shutterfly.As I prepare for the big day, I'm keeping in mind details that might make interesting background images for the album pages.

Here are a few test shots (most of which will be "ghosted" back -- i.e., lightened significantly -- if used in the final album):

Christmas Ornaments

A few details from the 2009 Christmas tree: