Monday, June 23, 2008

Miksang (Contemplative Photography)

While here at KC, I've had the privilege to be introduced to Miksang. Here's a brief intro (from the Miksang Society of Toronto web site)

"Miksang is a Tibetan word that translates as "good eye".... It brings together the art of photography, the discipline of meditation, and the Dharma Art teachings of the meditation master and scholar Chögyam Trungpa

"In contemplative photography, we work with the synchronization of eye and mind. When eye and mind are in the same place, the moment-by-moment vividness of the visual world manifests and is appreciated fully. This manifestation is spontaneous - a flash of perception - the ordinary magic of the phenomenal world. When one connects with pure perception there is no struggle in making a heartfelt and brilliant photographic image that one can share with others.

"These moments of pure perception and appreciation happen all the time but we often ignore and devalue them. However, it is worthwhile to recognize and cultivate these moments because they recollect the inherent openess and goodness of our being."

To learn more, I encourage you to visit the Miksang Society of Toronto web site at

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