Monday, February 12, 2007

NPL Featured Artist - George Eross

This posting completes the series on my guest artists at the Nashua Public Library show, running through Feb. 27.

Currently a Nashua resident, George Eross was born in Budapest, Hungary, came to the US at the age of 8, and grew up in Pittsburgh, PA.

A self-taught painter, he recently studied welding and metal sculpting with John Weidman at the Andres Art Institute in Brookline, New Hampshire. George works primarily in oil, concentrating on portraits and landscapes. He also sculpts in metal and creates intricate wire frame drawings.

George has two pieces in the library show:

  • a metal sculpture with great tonality (so make sure to "ping" it when you go --- it's allowed), and

  • a wire-frame mandala (which I didn't realize he was bringing and which complements my photo mandalas nicely)

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