Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Photography Meetup Groups

I recently joined a few photo-related Meetup groups. is a web site that connects and introduces people who are interested in the same topic. Users can sign up for any of a number of local and area groups devoted to their areas of interest. The photo groups to which I belong are great about programming outings to photogenic sites. (For example, the Portsmouth photos which I posted within the past few weeks were taken on a day trip with the NH Photo Expeditions Meetup Group.)

Usually photos are reviewed by your peers over dinner or drinks that same day, before any cropping or Photoshopping. This can be intimidating at first, but ultimately, it improves your skills (if only by ***shaming*** you to get the best possible image right out of the camera).

It's too early to tell whether being asked to share pre-optimized images will stifle my creativity in any way; in fact, I suspect that just the opposite will be true. It's simply human nature to be competitive and want to be the "Alpha Photographer." And by keeping an open mind to critiques -- and seeing the world through someone else's eyes for a change -- I think I'll become a better shooter.

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